
Of Fate and Luck



2 Years
Extra large
03-28-2015, 06:55 PM
Slowly but surely throughout the Summer Novella had been getting back onto her feet, small enough steps towards progress that at first Aslan had missed the signs of her recovery. These days there was no denying that she was getting better though, he'd seen her around the pack lands more and had even caught her familiar smile and a far cheerier tone to her voice than he had heard in ages. It was wonderful news the though she seemed to hint at something else exciting coming their way, Aslan was sure that nothing at all would beat the joy's of seeing his mother looking more well than she had in a long time.

He had been tempted to summon someone else from the pack to help hunt something special for the feast though after the last hunt, though it hadn't gone quite as badly as it possibly could have done, Aslan decided he was done with leading until he had gotten a little more experience under his belt. And so he set off to hunt something on his own. Now, though he had suffered a couple of harsh pecks that had prematurely removed a few tufts of his Summer coat, he had succeeding in catching a goose that had taken a nasty break to it's wing at some point before attempting to take on the wolf.

Depositing his catch upon the pile, Aslan made his way to join his family greeting them each in turn and sharing in Varda's joy that his mother certainly looked well now. "We have missed you around here." He remarked. Summoning the pack to feasts though, he could only assume she had taken her place as Author once more which surely meant things were finally back to normal.