
I condemn Thee[May]


06-08-2013, 06:28 PM
The female did not take him by surprise, it wasn't often he was taken by surprise these days. Yet, he was slightly happy he'd be fighting someone older then what he would consider a youngster. Being seven years old himself, sometimes the younger ones were more difficult to handle, not to mention the most cocky. The wolf by the name of Rin came to mind when he thought about that, the stupid omega. He was probably off dead somewhere now since Nnoitra ran him out. Yet, that flew out of his mind as May gave her greeting and Tavros gave a nod to confirm his identity. In blind battles, it would be safe not to underestimate or overestimate your opponent. She probably knew this as well as he knew it himself. The smaller male stepped off to the side a bit, scanning over her body while he could. Though it was vital that he knew what sort of fighting style she used.

"I look forward to the fight, let us both do our best." Tavros said respectfully as he looked her in the eye. Well it'd be exciting he had to admit, fighting had to be one of his favorite things to do despite his appearance he was good not only at using his surroundings but his size against bigger opponents. He had learned this from fighting with other Tortugans before.

Tavros went for an easy start, light on his feet as he headed straight towards the female. He wasn't set on getting in damage, he just wanted to see how she would react to his amount of speed. Tavros usual technique was snake movements that of a viper. Strike, run back, and then strike again. His head ready to snap at her left shoulder, as he made sure not to put too much effort in it to avoid injury for a quick get away if needed.



Offense: Aiming for her left shoulder for a quick strike then a run back, but only at half speed.
Defense: Simply not going at full speed in hopes of a quick get away if there is a counterattack.
Injury: N/a