
you just can't hide

Katja the First


8 Years
03-29-2015, 11:28 AM

Katja rumbled her agreement to Kapra's grousing, eyeing the new combatants with a a neutral gaze. The one was Thanatos, Virgil's son and once her captive. Perhaps he'd gained himself a bit of backbone while in Yfir, but the childish way he put it to use could use some... refining. A pity he'd ended up back with the Olympians for them to ruin. Another familiar voice caught her attention, Hypnos the part-crippled youngling the Olympians had tried to kill, as he sat himself beside Kapra. She ignored their conversation, focusing instead on the battle before her. The Olympus woman fell, as Katja had expected she would - she was an ill, blind woman fighting a healthy trained warrior, it was only expected, though there was no honor in the kill.

"I have seen enough," she said to Kapra in a murmur. Standing, she sent a hard, evaluating gaze to encompass what remained of the Olympus family. One by one they were falling, vanishing, and soon the bloodline would be gone altogether. A fitting end to her bloodfeud with Virgil Olympus, was it not? Seeking to catch the grieving family's gaze she lifted her lips to show her teeth in a dark promise. They didn't think it was over when she'd lost Yfir, did they? No... her grievance with Virgil ran deeper than that. With Olympus. The blood that ran in their veins was tainted with the deeds of their family and they would come to grief one way or another.

Turning and trotting off without another word, she flicked her tail to Kapra and Hypnos, not in a beckoning gesture but rather in a fare-thee-well. Kapra would know where to meet back up with her - it was not necessary for her to drag him away from his conversation with the boy simply because she was finished. Perhaps the boy wished to watch his bitch mother bleed out. Perhaps he wished to watch the grief of the family she'd chosen to keep. She had no wish to ruin his fun.

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