



06-08-2013, 08:12 PM

Collision was slow to his faith in much anymore. There were little that he believed in, little that he felt the capability to endure, and quite honestly, little that he felt the ability to endure. He were lost in his world of fantasy and fiction, lost in his world and thoughts that everything could somehow be okay. There was not much left for him to work for, and well, he knew that at the end of the day he was being forced to face some rather terrible things. For one, he had seemingly given up on Soleil, and while he himself knew he had not, it was what everyone around him had seemed to think. Even Soleon had excused himself from the lands to find something more for himself. He yearned for his son, and longed to know what he could have done better. Even his relationship standing with Azalea had fallen through the cracks just a bit, and he had done everything conceivable to care for his daughter.

It didn't take long, post his entrance, for a figure to dart across the horizon, to press herself against him, and to demand his attention. It didn't take long for his kisses to cover her in the same way hers covered him, and it certainly didn't take long for him to feel his heart swell and his eyes burn with the pain of the things they had been forced to endure together. It were a painful thing, to think that she had been on the brink of death and he had been forced to deal with wretched things of politics, to work and force Valhalla to be something it simply weren't. Tears dared to pool in his eyes and he dared to press his chest closer against her.

"I'm sorry, Soleil. I just didn't make the right choices; not the ones everyone else could agree to, and I apologize," He turned his head to the side, his eyes searching hers, begging for some kind of understanding and he turned his head back to her, burying it back into the fur of her neck, "I failed leading us in a home, and I even failed in trying to protect you, but I swear, no more, I'm a warrior, not a king, and I'll act more like one," With this, he were done, he were left to simple solace and he would turn his attention back to the issues at hand.

"I told you the day I asked you to be mine, that I loved you, that I wanted no other, and that I would always be here for you. That hasn't changed," His ears pinned against his head and his tail loosened behind him as he decorated the side of her neck in his own loving kisses. His Soleil, his sweet love, his daring salvation.