


06-08-2013, 08:21 PM

He'd been frantic over her the past few weeks, ever since she'd - quite foolishly - gone to Valhalla and experienced pre-labor pains. He knew that the pups were due any day now, but being the strong-headed woman she was, he knew he could not stop her from going about business as usual. Still, Marvel was worried that she might do damage to the children - his children - if she didn't relax and let nature take it's course. His paws had memorized the route to the den site she had chosen. He hadn't had much say in it, but it didn't matter much to him. As long as she and his children were safe, Marvel could care less where she chose to have them. Quite honestly, he couldn't have picked a better spot if he'd tried.

Robotically he moved, only hastening his step when her pained cry shook the mangroves around him. It was time. He dashed forth, happy that he had taken time to stash the necessary herbs nearby should this event catch him off guard. She cried out again, this one more understandable than the first. She was demanding his arrival. Clenching his teeth, the man picked up his pace, weaving artfully through the trees like a skilled acrobat. Jupiter, came breathy but urgent tones. I'm here. He paused a yard or so away, unsure how close she wanted him to be during this.. event. He would follow her lead, and hopefully offer her aide should the birthing go awry.
