
I've had it up to here



3 Years
03-30-2015, 04:52 AM
ooc: First three paragraphs are pre-fight

Perhaps his timing could have been better for this fight, though in Soliloquy's mind it had waited far too long the better timing would have been far longer. All he could hope for was that Valentine would have some honour within his body, enough that if Soliloquy won this fight his family would be able to go free. He couldn't be sure though and perhaps if he had dared to talk to anyone about this first of all they would have attempted to stop him from making such a reckless move. He could make things much better or much worse with this fight.

It was too late to back out now though, not that Soliloquy was about to anyway. He hadn't backed out of the first fight, knocked out of it maybe though whether that was just as shameful or not was a touchy subject. The man had arrived though, perhaps the closest that Soliloquy had been to him since their last fight. Whether he had avoided the alpha or the alpha had avoided him he couldn't be entirely sure he couldn't even work out whether the lack of attention was good or bad if he was entirely honest. He disposed the idea of being belittled by this oaf, though longed for his family to be reunited and free from his pack.

"It never entertained me."  Soliloquy retorted, though he wasn't interested in long drawn out conversation either. He had a lot to say to the man sure, though words had never been his favourite he much preferred to think of himself as a man of action and he was ready for some action now. Of course he longed for the positive outcome in all of this, though truth be told simply the idea of drawing more blood from the man that had disrupted his life and made his family suffer was pleasing.

Soliloquy's stance widened now his target was before him, distributing his weight evenly across his paws as his toes splayed, gripping at the earth beneath them. His knees bent slightly, further lowering his centre of gravity whilst shoulders rolled forwards hackles on end between them. His chin dipped down to protect his throat, as his tail adjusted to align with his spine. Ears pinned back closely to his head, eyes narrowing and lips curled up in a grim snarl, skin bunching up and wrinkling to further help protect his features, teeth bared and ready. His body tensed, muscles tight and a fierce anticipation coursing through his body.

Head to head with ten feet between them, one light, one dark; it was like old Western waiting for someone to yell 'draw'. Soliloquy wasn't waiting for that shout however, he wasn't waiting at all. Like a bullet released from a gun he would spring into action, that tension in his muscles used in aiming to close that distance between them quickly. His body remained lower to the ground, angling at 40º to Soliloquy's right for the last foot between them in hopes of hitting the prosternum in the middle of Valentine's chest with the bony front of Soliloquy's left shoulder, the white man's body tensing again for the impact as he exhaled with a short, sharp breath. Perhaps it would unsettle Valentine's balance a little though Soliloquy's intentions had been to cause bruising and crack a rib with the collision.

Settling upon the ground once more, Soliloquy would redistribute his weight to settle his balance again, once more lowering his centre of gravity as his knees bent, toes gripping upon the earth again. Jaws opened now aiming to place a bite upon the inside of Valentine's shoulder, just where the front of the armpit joins to the chest, hoping to grip and rip the flesh.


Extra note: Laz and I agreed to be a little flexible on the default times.