
Everything that controls me [epiphron]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-30-2015, 08:45 AM

Still, she was mostly in the dark about what Arian had gone through. Obviously she had been mistreated in some way -- no, abuse seemed a more fitting word. Though it was hard to imagine just what she had endured, she had no doubt it was bad, and however much Arian insisted that she was weak, Epiphron knew the truth. For having survived such horrors, she was stronger than she could ever imagine. Her sapphire gaze was warm as it danced over Arian, widening slightly with surprise when her daughter began to shift closer. A smile would appear on her lips as she felt the warmth of her daughter leaning against her and she would gladly return the contact, briefly letting her head fall to lean against Arian's own cranium.

"And I love you," she assured her gently. Her own tail would begin to bat lightly against the ground. Despite all that had happened, she was grateful for this -- that she could, at the very least, sit with Arian or a moment and enjoy the day together. Though she knew things could get better, and she was convinced they would with time, they could certainly be much worse too. The moment of silence would linger and she let it wash over her, content to bask in the serenity of the summer day. "Is Cypress fitting in here well?" she'd ask softly, finally breaking the silence. She was curious about him, and it seemed Arian had felt somewhat comfortable in his presence. She could only hope that their friendship would blossom, for he seemed like a good companion for her.