
Like a Sandstorm


03-30-2015, 11:41 AM

Cybele walked along the baren land with her head held high and proud. The wind, clearly jealous in the power of her stride, was hostile in its attempts to toss her off of her determined, straight line path into the hardened ground.  'This really is the bones of the earth, eh?' the wolf thought to herself. 'Hard to believe anything but a tumbleweed could prosper here.'

Despite the thoughts, Cybele continued, because she wanted to see for her own eyes what kind of wonders were being done in the lands otherwise written off by wolves as hopeless and barren. When she got to a place that was less rugged, Cybele sat down as patiently as one like her could.

"Excuse me?" She called out in her most pretty fanciful girl voice she could muster. Yeah, she would have to work on that. It didn't seem to get a lot of attention either. Not that she could blame them; this was a pretty far empty stretch that she doubted anyone constantly patrolled for visitors. With that being said, she was free to let it out now. She sucked in enough air to puff her chest like a rooster and howled a low and long sound that seemed to echo for miles. No way they couldn't here that!

{"Show your pack pride."/'and remember those who died.'}
Code by Andy