
Sky Is Over


03-30-2015, 07:05 PM
Are You At War With Land And All Of It's Creatures?

The female had left the North behind, sourly disappointed. What a waste! The lady Odette and her pack had been nothing but a bust. A shame, really. She would push that thought to the back of her mind, however, focusing instead of marching on in search of pack number two to try. She wanted a place she grow, and feel unity. But... perhaps Glaciem had not been formed enough. Perhaps there was yet something it lacked that the femme still wanted. Could it be purpose? Power? Both?

The she wolf would breathe out, her gaze taking in the look of the dead forest around her. There were stale scents here... had a pack fallen here as well? What a pity! Almost with a huff the half-blind girl would shake her head and shift her direction, heading unknowingly in the direction of the pack Imperium. It would take her some time yet to come across the borders. She was focused on one thing -- finding out where she belonged in this world. Regardless of what path it was she so happened to shape.