
Coastal winds



6 Years
03-30-2015, 07:57 PM
Voltage would smile softly, feeling her forehead press against him. With a small laugh he shook his head. "I don't mean to be sappy" He said with a gentle grin, nuzzling into her fur before pulling away just slightly. "It's merely the truth" He'd offer a charming, boyish smile before he tilted his head back towards the sand, continueing to play like the childish boy he was. He often felt split, between his boundless energy and boyish nature, and his calm maturity of a leader, between wanting to play and thinking about his family's safety and health. And by the gods, he would never have it any other way. When she voiced her trust he would look back to her, stormy eyes growing slightly wider before falling half lidded. Dipping his head to her, he would grin. "I appreciate it, honestly." He always found himself overly critising the way he acted or the choices he made, so hearing his siblings say he was doing good, well, it made him overly happy.

Silence fell around them, and he would turn, once again, to his sand castle. This time, though, he wasn't alone. Gale was there, paws and all, to push up the sloping side he had neglected. A grin spread across his face before he continued to dig and displace the sand, pushing up the mount as best as he could with his limitations. "Wonder if a crab will make a home out of this." He said with a small smile, finally happy with the height.With a delicate touch he'd dig out a small space in the front to act as a door, somewhere a crab may decide to hide out and dig under. "Castle built for a crab." He laughed softly, turning shining eyes back up to her before he sighed. "It's getting late, little lady. I should probably do my rounds, make sure Sere didn't run away...again." He laughed, moving to stand before he paused. "I appreciate it, Gale, really.Thank you for always being there for me." He would smile gently, lowering his head to her again to nudge her cheek and nuzzle into it if she would let him, placing kisses along her crown before he would turn, if she had nothing else to say, and venture off to make sure all the siblings were accounted for.