
I'm back Bitches! (re joining)


07-13-2013, 10:10 AM

Walking in this land once more seemed like something that is no longer the same. Tikaani soon came to the boarder of her home pack, she was a loaner now, but as much as she wanted this when she was a pup she no longer desires to be alone. Tikaani was two now and she knew it was time to rejoin her birth pack. If they take her in or not it was up to them, but she knew that Tortuga was the only pack for her. Her green eyes scanned the land of Tortuga and with one breath in she stepped over the boarders. The scent of Tortuga lingered all around her and a faded scent was still on her.

Ears swiveled on top of her head as she looked around the area, it was all so familiar, but yet so different. Her tail swayed gently as she shifted her weight from one side to the other. It was time to call out the alpha of this land, and she will only speak with the alphas,. She raised her muzzle to the sky and howled"I call out the Alphaness of this land my she come forth" Her voice was strong and determined, what happened to her the time she was gone will remain a mystery.

Tikaani lowered her head her eyes were strong, cold, and had a hint of kindness in them, but not much. She still had the ties of who she liked to call family, with in her heart, but that is all that will remain in her heart. The door way to her heart is iced over and covered with chains, if you are not in their already, then well there is no way in hell you will get in. She sighed and stood their waiting for the alpaness to show.
