
Threat Check

Rune I


5 Years
04-01-2015, 12:34 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He could see almost immediately that he had misunderstood. Where she had approached him openly and unguarded, all sense of it seemed to vanish as he did not welcome her with the same sort of hospitality. Her defenses rose to settle within the contours of her expression and a new hardness entered her bright eyes, lending her an expression that he had to assume was similar to the one that he wore as he looked at her. It could have gone better, their meeting thus far, but Rune was never one to put on friendly fronts when he was not a naturally friendly being.

With obvious distaste, she tried again, using words now that the Secretuan Guardian could understand without issue. Ah. She had only been greeting him. While it was a relief as it meant she was merely a curious stranger and not a brightly colored demon in disguise, Rune still made no attempt at extending the same sort of courtesy. No, this whole trip had only been to scout and make sure lands were safe, not to wrangle up a new acquaintance. But his apparent distrust did not seem to deter the tall girl. She pressed on by asking about him and his station in the land, picking up on the status that he held and his possible place in this world that she very clearly did not belong to.

He might have been a stony, immovable, stubborn man of few words, but even he was prey to curiosity, and his was currently wondering what his station and status meant to the girl that she would ask about it. "I am," he stated with simplicity, his gruff tone still direct, "My pack is called Secretua." Since she seemed so very new to the area, he doubted she would know anything about his family and pack, but there was no hiding the scent of them on him or the authoritative stance that he could never quite shake, even where it was not warranted. Nor did she openly appear to have intentions of causing potential harm to them either, or at least by first impressions. He hoped dearly that she meant his family no harm; their safety would always be a constant worry for him.