
Of Fate and Luck


04-01-2015, 03:39 PM
When the call came up for a celebration, Hecate gathered up all of her courage and ran to the scene. She was leaps and bounds ahead of where she had been a season (maybe a season and a half?) prior but she was still far from being like the others. She would arrive and take a seat at the back, shooting Frith, Luck, Fate, and Novella a kind smile before looking at her paws. Stupid her! She should have brought a gift for the new children. Her earthy toned body was rested in a relaxed way as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath just as she had been taught to by Frith when she was feeling overwhelmed. Her heart rate started to slow from the rapid beating in her best. bumbumpbumbump. She could hear it and it did not frighten her like it might have done once.

"Hello Novella and Frith." The young woman finally spoke up to an audible level in a greeting as her eyes fluttered open and her face flew up to look at them. This was strange. Normally she would have been running for the hills at that point!