
I've had it up to here



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
04-01-2015, 05:29 PM

Valentine's defenses came together with practiced ease. His lips peeled back to wrinkle the skin around his eyes as his eyes narrowed. Ears folded to rest flat against his crown. Valentine's head lowered to become level with his spine as his chin tucked and his shoulders rolled forward. His hackles rose as his tail tucked. The brute's stance widened, his weight distributed evenly and his toes splayed, nails digging into the dirt as his knees bent slightly. As Soliloquy spoke and settled his own defenses, Valentine tensed in preparation of his opponent's starting move.

As his opponent kicked off Valentine did too. He shot forward in a spray of loose grit in the hopes of rapidly picking up momentum and closing the distance between himself and Soliloquy.  He dodged to his right in preparation of his own attacks, seeking to glide down the length of Soliloquy's left side (attacks in next two paragraphs). This move spared him the brunt of his opponent's attacks. Sol's shoulder pushed into the meaty outside of Valen's left thigh and ran across the length of it. At the point of first contact, which was just behind his kneecap, a mild bruise would later blossom. Pain shot up his spine as his opponent's teeth clipped the top of the back of his left thigh. Soliloquy's teeth created a moderate gash and puncture wounds but was unable to grant him the grip he desired.

Unperturbed, Valentine pushed through the pain. He sunk into a low crouch and sidestepped with his forepaws to his left in the hopes of changing the angle between himself and Soliloquy. One motion gliding into another, the brute then sought to dive under the left side of his opponent. His intention was to line the top of his right forward facing shoulder and lower neck up with his opponent's left kneecap while getting his jaws within reach of his true target. In one fluid motion Valentine jutted his right shoulder further forward while lifting his right forepaw. He sought to drive his shoulder into the front of Soliloquy's left kneecap in the hopes of dislocating it. The slight angle Valen's hoped-for positioning would give him would drive the kneecap slightly inwards towards Sol's tail instead of directly back into his leg. As his forepaw lifted, Valentine's weight redistributed. He sought to send his right forepaw rocketing earthwards in the hopes of crushing the toes of Soliloquy's left hind toes.

To complete his round of attacks, Valentine's jaws parted as he lunged forward. He wanted this brute's pride and what better way to take that than to castrate his opponent? Valen's head rotated to his right so that his opened jaws were parallel to the ground as he sought to encircle Soliloquy's testicles with his teeth. His intention was to completely sever them from his opponent's body.

Not once since he'd been taken prisoner had Soliloquy made a formal attempt to see his family. Not once. No, Valentine was willing to bet that, like his mate, the brute cared little for their children. They were nothing but a by-product of sex to them. Pride was what brought this Servus here today, certainly not love, and so it was pride that the Imperator was going to take from him.


Round ONE of THREE

OOC: Eld and I decided before the fight started that they're at a distance of 10 feet and facing one another head on.

"Speaking" -- "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.