
Taste of adventures past



5 Years
04-02-2015, 08:57 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had hoped as she angled her head to peer upward at Glacier that at the very least he might smile and agree to let her remain with him for the night, so that they would not have to part once he escorted her home safely and soundly. The desire to stay where she was, wrapped up tight within the big blue wolf's warm embrace, was Anais's only wish, and she was still so nervous that he might change his mind and tell her she needed to get back home. He knew how important family was, after all; surely he could see how she was placing them second in this, taking a moment to be selfish and to think only of her own wishes and wants. But it was only one night, just one...

As she met his eyes, however, their dark silver depths alive within the shadow of his face, the grey and gold girl felt her worries dissipate into the air around her, released from her in a soundless sigh. They were so close that she could see every angle to his expression, every slight movement that he made, and could feel his breath upon her. The look on his face... What did it mean? For that moment, there was nothing to fear - not a broken heart, not unrequited love - but only curiosity. What was he thinking? What would he say? She felt her heart quicken at the sight of him like that, stirred into wanting to reach up and touch him and wondering what he would do if she did. Does he feel this too?

Glacier's answer when he spoke was soft, airy, but in agreement with her request. She was going to stay with him, here in his home. Even as it sped, her heart swelled, and at last Anais felt herself smile again. Her joy was contained behind that smile and her bright gold eyes, though her tail did wag of its own will as she met her friend's gaze. The fears of a moment ago stayed temporarily distant and were replaced by something positive and hopeful. He was letting her stay! That had to mean something, right? And, oh, surely he must have felt what she did when she looked up at him? At least a little bit of that feeling? She wanted very much to snuggle right back into his shoulder, to not move an inch until daylight came and morning took her home, but as he offered her potential sleeping arrangements she began to realize there were better places than a cliff's edge to actually sleep here on the Obsidian Beach.

"Maybe we can continue our game there?" she asked, assuming it might be a good idea. It was getting rather late already, and she was sure the lateness of the hour was eventually going to creep up on her. But she did really want to keep talking with him and playing this game that he had devised. Anais liked being able to ask him questions, even if she struggled to think of them, and enjoyed too answering his even if some of them were at times tricky. And, she assumed, so long as they kept their game up, she supposed they would stay close like this too, which she wanted most of all.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.