
6/09 - Update



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-09-2013, 11:36 AM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2013, 11:47 AM by Epiphron.)
Hi guys! :)

So, first of all, thank you guys for being so insanely active. We really appreciate it -- Alacritis would be nothing without all of your wonderful selves.

First off, we added a bunch of new lands in every area of the board! They're all really damn interesting places, so we hope you make use of them. We've also been cleaning some of the boards and player database, so if you see anything that is incorrect, let one of the admin or moderators know ASAP.


We've also decided on some RULE CHANGES, to keep everything running much more smoothly.

-- PACK CREATION ON ALACRITIS IS UNLIMITED. However, your character must have 500 posts, and at least 5 followers. (We know this is a big requirement, but packs shouldn't be easy to make. However, now, they are at least possible!)

-- THERE IS A PERIOD OF 2 WEEKS TO MAKE A NEW CHAR after one of yours is killed, deleted, or otherwise placed inactive. We all know how frustrating it is when someone makes a char, only to stop playing them, so this should help keep everyone sticking with their chars rather than abandoning them on a whim.

-- IN ORDER TO HAVE BABIES, your character needs to have 50 posts. This includes both the male AND the female. This is to, again, ensure you stay active, and aren't just making characters in order to have children.

-- If you need your pack or rank changed, please post in the Maintenance board.

Again, thank you all for being awesome members, and feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns!!