
Taste of adventures past



5 Years
04-04-2015, 01:06 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The amused chuckle the large wolf gave was something Anais had expected. Even she could see the humor in her story now that she had grown up, though maybe not entirely grown out of it. Of course, she knew better than to think she would still run into some monster inside of the place - a monster that she had not even the slightest clue about what it looked like save for its name of Sharp Tooth - but she was kind of glad to have brought it up. When was the last time she had even thought about that time, when her family had lived on that pack's lands? What was it's name? She was sure it started with an S... But as Glacier made his promises of protecting her from any scary monsters, she let the thought slide. Whatever the place had been called, whatever the monster of her imagination was, she was at least wholly and completely safe here.

Another little laugh answered Glacier's wink as she came to stand close beside him again, her shoulder touching his, and with admiration and confidence in his words she smiled openly upward at him. There was very little waiting for an answer as she turned the same question back around on him, and with a tone light and playful her friend made to answer as if he feared nothing in the world. His obviously joking tone drew out another laugh, another tail wag, but it was only when he began to explain the truth of his response that her thoughts shifted and she felt the serious overtone to their conversation return to weigh over them.

Anais fell into step beside him as he resumed leading them to her corner, listening intently as he revealed to her his biggest fear and watching him closely within the dark of the cave. His family...and me? Considering his fear, she knew his family made sense. They were extremely important to him, part of the reason for his existence. But her? Could she really be so important to him to cause him to fear for her safety? What did that mean about her importance to him? About the look he had given her? Could there really be more here than she had expected?

Oh, but she needed to do something quick about that tone of his. The worry that the thought infected him with was audible in his voice, as if he was already leading himself down scenarios where those important to him were outside of his reach and subject to tortures while he could only watch. Herself included. "Hey." She tried to get his attention, bumping her shoulder a little more roughly against his - something she was sure would hardly budge him at all. "You don't have to worry about me," Anais assured him softly, offering him a bright, confident smile, "I'm done doing reckless things." No more exploring on her own, no more trying to make friends with everyone that she met. Not without Glacier.

She leaned in to nuzzle his shoulder again - something she seemed to be doing a lot more of lately - doing her best to be reassuring and supportive as he spoke of the deep workings of his mind and heart. In no way did she want to make it seem trivial or unnecessary, but they were all safe right now. Letting it worry him already was not going to do him any good. Turning her eyes back toward the dimly lit interior of the cave, toward the place that he led her, she asked quietly as she remained at his side, "Is this the spot?"
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.