
While I'm Away


04-04-2015, 10:52 AM

The woman was honestly glad that Rune hadn’t commented on Tiny being present. The little thing had insisted on coming with her, and, honestly? Most of the time he was never far from her. He didn’t like being left alone and Akemi didn’t like leaving him alone. He was an easy meal for some predator and her heart had gone out to the critter. He was truly her son, treated no differently than her daughter Zisa or her son Einarr. They were her babies, all three, and no matter what happened she would never let anything happen to them.

The female would listen to Rune with interest on the matter he called them for. Secretuais safe, as well as stable. In her eyes anyway they were doing well, but she could see the point that Rune had to make. They were a strong standing pack, one that wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Definitely not. She would fight to help protect this pack, her family, from danger, just as any of them would. She was confident in the abilities of her packmates, especially of Rune and Warja, to help hold the pack together. So the female would play her part as well. The female would speak up first, giving her honest opinion on the matters.

“There is little doubt in my mind, Rune, that Secreuta is definitely stable. I feel confident that we’ll be able to hold to fort down while you’re away. Warja has already proven to me firsthand how capable she is, and I have little doubt Alamea is more than capable as well. Secretua will not crumble while you’re out and about, though there might be some of us missing you.” The female would add the last bit with a small smile. “But you’re right. The time has come to become more familiar with those around us. Knowledge itself can be the greatest power.”

Tiny would blink his little eyes as he listened to Rune and his mother speak. So Rune was leaving? The little critter would let out a little whine. “But you gotta promise not to be gone too long! We like you!” The pygmy jerboa would squeak. “...and you’re a daddyyyy you can’t leave the babies too long!”

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno