
The Bird And The Worm


04-04-2015, 11:06 AM

The time had finally come, and Akemi was both excited and a bit nervous about what she was about to do. The herd had been tracked for a day prior, monitoring their movements, where she estimated them to be when they stopped to feed. The whitetail wouldn’t even know what hit them when the wolves came to hunt. With fall coming the young were growing larger, stronger, but there were still those who would make a good meal for the pack. An aging cow was Akemi’s chosen target. If she stayed much longer there was the chance she would sustain an injury or illness anyway that could hinder the herd.

The small female would stand with her son, sure her daughter would be along shortly as well. Secreutua had truly become stronger. Her single orb would shine brightly, the remains of her ears giving a slight twitch. Not to mention the fact her baby was a year old now! He was indeed massive, a sight to see. He was larger than his father by far, heavier, though he was exactly what Akemi had envisioned him to be. Now would just come the matter of getting him training. There was no doubt in what he wanted:: To be a fighter.

Akemi had, honestly, thought to bring Tiny too. But with the speeds the wolves would need to run and the chance of the critter falling off and getting trampled she had, in the end, told him to wait back at the den in his nest. She would tilt her head back, calling to her fellow Secretuans, wondering who might come to join her and her son to participate in a pack hunt.

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno