
A frozen Waste


02-12-2013, 05:36 PM
Thane troughed through the snow sending up clumps of it everywhere. He leapt left right and went up and down as he continued to romp through the cold white substance. He laughed as the two wolves jumped to and fro with delight. As Ookami flung snow at him he stood still as he let it hit his face and the brute chuckled. It was only a few moments until he had lost sight of her and his beloved had suddenly came out of the snow and attacked him by surprise as he was pelted with more snow. Above there was an eagle's cry as Cyril laughed at what was going on below. The bird himself joined in as he swooped down lowpicking up snow in his talons and dropping it down upon THane aiding Ookami with her attack.

"Just admit we're the better team Master." the bird said with a smileupon his beak.

"Why should I when you already know it and I agree to that as well, oh what would I do without you two."

I got you she said as she came out and he fell backwards into the snow. He chuckled as she licked his muzzle and then rolled over on top of her and pinned her down in the snow.

"And I got you."he said with a charming smile, aqua blue eyes staring into green.