
I'll paint you a dreamscape



6 Years
04-04-2015, 10:12 PM
While Voltage had spent a great deal of his life seperated from his siblings, a year from the second litter and two from the third, he had a great deal of experiance helping them through their emotion. He was a comforter, knowing just when to calm down and hold his siblings through the emotion, and when to distract them with play. He could feel it against him, the emotion she was drowning in, it was the same as it had been last night, though he knew that she seemed to be getting  little better. So he held her, after he had asked his question, hoping this was just what she needed. When she nuzzled closer, explaining that he had the right to know, his brows furrowed. Perhaps, sure, if they were to pursue whatever this was (and Voltage didn't want to think that she might not) he should know her past. But if it caused her harm, if it hurt her too deeply...

With a gentle sigh he'd lay kisses along her crown, shifting on his side to lift himself up and press one along her muzzle, nuzzling into her fur. "My little much tragedy." He whispered so softly, feeling his own heart compress. The only tragedy Voltage had ever had to deal with was their parents rejection, their displacement. He had never faced death, never had anyone who he had loved disappear from his side. "You had such a love, I know it's tragic now, and it will always be. But isn't it good to have known such love?" He whispered softly, not wanting to push aside or invalidate her emotion or tragedy, but he wanted to try and comfort her, help her heal and come to terms with it. "I have never loved, little Cloud. It hurts now, and I will help you through it however you might need." He whispered softly, continuing to nuzzle into her fur. "I'm terribly sorry, Gaia..."

"Burn Baby Burn"