
Swimming Drill



6 Years
04-05-2015, 03:16 AM
Voltage was trying his hardest to get into the "alpha" mode that he needed to be in, but the big child would rather play. He really hated boring political things, well, sometimes. He really enjoyed creating the pack, designing it to suite his entire family, but he almost disliked what came after that. But, with his family, nothing was ever truley boring. They could always get the most important things accomplished by play. Who cares if they laughed and had fun during training drills, all that mattered was that his family, as a whole, was getting stronger and more organised. So he was making his rounds, despite how heavily distracted he was. A part of his mind always seemed to stay on Gaia, and how her life was fairing...and how desperately he missed her. With a shake of his head he moved his way along the beach, intent on finding his fish of a sister.

With a gentle grin he spotted her basking in the water, as he knew he would. It was like Astrea with the stars, there was nothing anyone could do to take her from her element. With careful pawsteps he tried to sneak up on her, coming from an angle that would be hard to see if she didn't turn her head. With about ten feet between them he'd bow down just slightly before bounding towards her, leaping into the waves of the water to splash her with the coolness of the ocean. With a laugh, he'd turn to her, his boyish grin on his face. "Fancy running into you here, my water goddess." He said, teasing and grinning all the while as he moved to lay down in the shallowness of the water, feeling the waves lap against his belly. "How's the ocean today?"
