
Shiranui Falkenrath



3 Years
04-05-2015, 01:15 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2015, 04:00 PM by Shiranui.)
Out-of-Character Name: Croatoan
Age: 17

Character's Name: Shiranui Falkenrath
Character Age: 3 years
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 36 inches
Appearance Description:
Shiranui is a demon in his own right, his gaze wide and his jaws stretched in an eerie smile. He is smaller than his only love, but only by two inches, and strength makes up for what the male lacks in his size, even if he is a large male, larger than some. He is actually quite lean, more muscle than anything, but this combined with his larger size makes him look like he is larger in weight than he really is. He is only one hundred and fifty-seven pounds, a lot lighter than the female he once mentored, but Shiranui is no delicate little wolf. He is 36 inches in height, and underneath all that dark fur lie scars, too many scars to count, some older and some newer. The demon is handsome, but to some, he may seem as if he were dangerous, walking like a large cat of some sort. Of course, the male is not to be taken lightly, and that air of danger is not there because of another's imagination.

Shiranui's fur is a dark gray, light stormcloud gray, as if the male himself has come from a storm or something of night. A spot is on his back, the color a small splash of ebony against his stormy gray fur. The tip of his tail, although, is light silver, as if that only marking can fend against the darkness of his fur and his personality both. He may not be as colorful as his love, but the male could charm any females he wanted if he so desired. Well, to him he could.

Shiranui's eyes would finish the stormy idea if they were a different color, such as yellow or another pale color, but they no longer do. Instead, his eyes are like thin chips of ice, appearing to be pure white if seen from far away. As another gets closer, though, they will see that his eyes are simply a pale blue, flecked with colors that are darker, brighter blue and some colors that arent't even blue. Flecks of teal, and green are in Shiranui's eyes as well, although they don't appear unless another is close enough that his gaze is the only thing they see. Flecks of mercury are in his pale gaze as well, this color tinting his gaze so that, if caught by moonlight, the male's eyes would seem pure mercury. Yes, the male's eyes are something that can be desired. They can captivate another, make them feel as if they're lost in his gaze, if he wanted to stare into another's eyes.

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