
I'm trying to get better


04-06-2015, 07:32 AM

If Félicien was going to be honest with himself, however, it was that he had something up with him as well. Sorrel had already seen it a bit, though it was nothing as severe as Novella had. It was a form of self-doubt that settled within him, making him hesitant now to make the first steps in much of anything. He felt like he would only fail his packmates, his family. But yet somewhere deep within his chest he wanted to try. Perhaps it was coupled with the fact his mother and father had been fleeting figures in his life. Maybe he just thought, deep down, that he wasn’t worthy.

Félicien’s tail would wag back and forth as Novella addressed him. She had mastered one of the hardest tasks; telling him and Sorrel apart. They were mirror images of each other after all, told apart by only their eyes. It was something that would take some quite some time to master, and others might never learn the difference. But still, there were other differences too in demeanor that they could pick up on.

The boy would continue his gentle smile as he spoke to his aunt. “It’s good to see you again.” He would say softly. “From what I gathered you weren’t doing all that well. I’m glad to see you’re out and about today though!” His words were gentle and sincere as he spoke. “I’ve actually missed you a lot to be honest...” He would confess, that smile turning into more of a sheepish look.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen