
Turning Point


04-06-2015, 08:50 AM
Sorry for the delay, guys! Life got real crazy real fast. Second round is encouraged, but not mandatory. There's no posting order from here and I'll post Herc as needed to answer questions and what not.

The last few Pantheon members trickled in and a small, satisfied smile touched his lips. They were few in number, but at least they all showed up. That had to say something. He could see the questions on many of their faces. Where was Phoebe? Why was he calling the meeting? He knew he had a lot of explaining to do so he cleared his throat and began. "Thank you all for coming," he said as he tried to keep his nerves steady. "I guess the first order of business is to explain why I am up here. Phoebe has decided that it would be best for her to take some time for herself after the loss of Natalya and Conan's disappearance. She hopes to return soon, but till then she has entrusted Pantheon to me. Her daughter Hera decided to leave with Phoebe as well to keep an eye on her. I hope to make this transition as easy as possible on all of us and I hope you all will wish Phoebe well on her vacation." He paused with a small smile to let that sink in before he went on.

"While I do not wish to make any major changes to the ground work that my parents and Phoebe laid out for this pack-" he glanced toward Helios breifly at that- "I do think a few changes need to be made. While the Olympus family will always be the core of this pack and will always hold special importance, I think it is also important to make this pack more open and inclusive for others as well." He glanced toward Charmeine and smiled before letting his orange gaze wander over everyone in front of him again. "The biggest change to our ranks that I want to make is to do away with the high council. I want everyone to feel free to come to me with any problem, no matter how big or small and I feel like having the council as a barrier between the Matriarch and Patriarch creates a rift between us. Secondly, from here on out any rank except for Patriarch, Matriarch, and the Prince or Princess shall be open to any member that best fits the position. Olympus family members will get special consideration of course, but if there is no Olympus that can do the job then a not family member will be welcomed into the position." Again he would pause, both to catch his breath and for the information to sink in.

"Because of these changes the ranks will now be as follows: The Patriarch, Matriarch, and Prince or Princess will of course remain the same. The position that was once known as the Delphi will now be the Atomist. I did not feel it was right to make the Delphi position into one that was open to anyone considering its importance in the Olympus family culture. The Atomist will act mainly as the lead healer, but will also be considered one of my advisors. After the Atomist will be the Ephors, which are the betas. They will also be considered advisors and will have the power to discipline as needed with my approval.

In the next tier is the Apellas, Peltast, and Strategos. The Apellas will basically handle any day to day needs of the pack that the higher ranks may assign to them. I really want the Apellas to look out for any of our pups or elderly, just to make sure they are cared for and comfortable. The Peltast is our lead warrior and the Strategos is our lead hunter. Next is the Antipeltast, Antistrategos, and Antiatomist, which are the warriors, hunters, and healers. The Proxenos are the children, Spartiate is anyone over a year old that hasn't chosen their specialty, and the Gerouse are the elders."
He stopped breifly with a soft chuckle. "I know this is all a lot to take in, but I hope that these ranks will help streamline things around here and make it easier for us to communicate with each other. I want everyone here to feel like they are family and that they have a place here, whether they're actually related or not."

He looked around at everyone in attendance and he smiled. They were all family except for Charm of course, but he hoped that by the next time he called a meeting there would be new faces in this crowd. "While you're all here, I'd like to introduce our newest member to those of you that haven't already met her, Charmeine. Make her feel welcome. Also, I would like to ask my brother Thanatos if he would be willing to step up to be our Peltast." He looked to Thany and grinned, waiting for his answer before he continued. "With that you are all free to go. If you have any questions or want to speak with me feel free."

"Talk" "You" Think