
The mud monster

Colette 1


1 Year
04-06-2015, 02:48 PM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2015, 02:51 PM by Nyx.)

She had never actually played in the mud her whole life, it was messy and dirty and she'd never thought of it as nice. Ceasar was always making the experience terrible for her, wanting to throw and smear it into her coat. He was always making her scream, but when they'd come here it seemed like he left her alone a whole lot more than he ever had at home. Maybe it was because of the other pups or maybe it was just because she'd gotten so quiet. She'd try not to think of him as Angelus was eager to show her more of this previously terrible substance. She'd watch the boy with her bright blue eyes, curious about what he might do next. Though she was fine getting her paws dirty the moment he started flinging the stuff around she was going to bolt. Not that he showed any signs of that. She was surprised when he'd lean back down into the mud, making a hilarious squelching noise. He'd renew her giggles as he showed her, and she couldn't believe her enjoyment of the stuff. She couldn't help but join in his game, the girl would do the same as him, rearing back onto her back legs and bringing her weight down roughly into the mud. The sound was not as impressive as the Imperialis child but it was enough to amuse the young girl. "Eeee! I did it!" She'd exclaim with pride, beaming over at the other pup as she reared up to try again and again.

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