
When The World Came Crumbling Down



4 Years
04-06-2015, 06:14 PM

The pale woman was there to embrace her only a hint of hesitation was evident and Isolde could only guess the same thoughts were running through the other woman's mind. Surely this was ghost come to visit her, she'd never thought she would see Othello again. No matter how much she craved the other woman's touch and simple presence. With her own words though Othello would answer and embrace her and she knew that the woman was real. She wanted to fall into the others arms and curl up with her. To forget about where she'd ended up and how she'd gotten there. Forget that her babies had been taken away from her. She'd been broken, and Isolde felt very much different from the young she wolf she used to be.

Othello would explain herself, not that she needed to. The moment she returned she'd been forgiving, she was thankful the woman had run. Had she not it was very likely she could have been in the same place as herself. The last question she would utter made Isolde fold her limbs in defeat. They'd been taken. "We were claimed. Soliloquy tried to fight, to protect us, but the alpha was too much for him. We were taken as slaves and my.." She was losing control of her emotions quickly. "He took my babies away." She felt like it had been so long since she'd seen them. Too long. Her heart was broken for them, and she felt completely helpless to get them back. She would never defeat the alpha even if she wanted to try. So, she'd been doing her duties. Hunting for the pack.

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