
Like a Sandstorm


04-06-2015, 06:25 PM

Hercules's ears perked at the howl that came from the border and instantly a curious, excited feeling bubbled up in his gut. He wanted so badly to see Pantheon grow and flourish and it seemed that maybe this would be just the case. First Charm and now this new commer. Pantheon would grow, he was sure of it. One wolf at a time!

Of course he reminded himself as he trotted toward where the sound echoed from that this wolf may not even want to join. They might change their mind. It might be someone who was lost or maybe even a visitor from another pack. All of these thoughts helped to calm the young Patriarch down before he arrived to see his father standing across from a mostly cream colored woman.

Hercules smirked as he trotted up next to Helios, arriving just in time to hear the woman's question about if his father was the "handsome gent" who ran Pantheon. He chuckled softly and replied, "No, I'm afraid that would be me, madam." He gave her a friendly smile and glanced to his father before letting his orange gaze meet the woman's again. "I am Hercules, the Patriarch here in Pantheon. This is my father Helios, a Ephor. What can we do for you today?"

"Talk" "You" Think