
e x t r a t e r r e s t r i a l


06-09-2013, 01:53 PM

The male nodded his head slightly, examining Aeil thoughtfully. "It's very likely that that is true," Lovatt spoke, twitching his tail lightly as the conversation turned towards Seracia. As he had said, it wasn't really his thing. He much preferred the ideals upon which Amenti had been founded. "I suppose so." Lovatt shrugged slightly, "But I have always preferred the concept of a pack being a family rather than a kingdom," Lovatt added with a firm nod.

He paused there, listening to Aeil's next words with ears pricked attentively in her direction, even as his navy gaze wandered. "That's a wise thing to say, Aeil." Lovatt spoke lightly, but there was admiration in his thoughts for such words to spill from such an unimposing female. He had liked her from the start, but this increased his esteem of her.

Ears flicking, he turned his full attention back to the female. "I was a rogue wolf for many years, Aeil, so I understand how you feel. It took me many years to find any sort of home. I've only found a place worth making a home in this past season." Lovatt shook his head slightly, driving away memories of the lonely seasons that had defined his life after his father's death. "These lands are better than most to be wandering, I suppose. There are less dangers here than I have seen in some others." At least he hadn't seen anyone drown here, or the massacre of an entire pack.
