
Sky Is Over


04-06-2015, 11:04 PM
Though Theisinova had wandered into this forest alone it seemed that fate would not have her stay that way. Before long another would approach and the female would shift her gaze upon him. It was an earthern colored male, marked with splotches of ebony upon his coat, that had caught her attention. Her single good eye would meet with yellow orbs, and she would consider what to regard him as. A stranger always had the potential to be a friend or foe. Considering the greeting she received she had no reason to be aggressive, nor consider him as a threat. Theisinova would offer a small smile.

"Greetings." The fact that he openly asked for her name was a tad strange, though weirder things had happened. Still, if it was the potential to make an ally, or maybe even a friendly rival, why not take that chance? "The name is Theisinova Cathal. You are?" She would inquire, brow of her blind eye lifting. He was not a face who looked remotely familiar, nor bore an appearance she had heard of. "...and, if I might be so bold, what brings you this far South?"