
Like a Sandstorm


04-07-2015, 11:05 AM

Despite her laid back and friendly demeanor, Cybele was always at some level of alert. It was something that had become deeply engraved into her being  in the dog-eat-dog ways of the land. Cybele could hear the other wolf approaching, and in the darker corners of her mind it made her worry. If things didn't go well, two to one on their home turf didn't sound so good for her. But she managed to push the thoughts away and keep up her casual non-hostile demeanor.

Turning to face the arriving wolf, her heart nearly fell out of her chest. He was so cute. Just fresh out of puppyhood and looking like his father just decided to split in half one day! And to be the alpha of the pack at such a young age? She didn't know if she wanted to coo and cuddle him or laugh in surprise. Of course, she would in reality do neither. Thats definitely a good way to get on an entire pack's bad side. Cybele held it together with the strength and resolve that only she could pull off, but the wide smile remained on her face. "And a spitting image of him you are!"

Pulling herself together, Cybele cleared her throat and returned to some sort of respectable and more composed stature. "But yes, why I am here. I'm here because this pack has been seeming to cause a lot of a stir in the west; packs that accept outsiders are more of a "East side thing" as they would say. But this is a good thing. " Cybele quickly added with a confidant gleam and continued, "Its something I want to be a part of. I can be a little extra muscle. Never to much of that, right? "

{"Show your pack pride."/'and remember those who died.'}
Code by Andy