
Baby baby



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
04-07-2015, 12:10 PM

Revenge came closer and mentioned that Rhythm had sent him, "Figures... At least she's smart." Esti mused. She really didn't mind the herb-woman much, but she wasn't exactly wanting to become her best friend, either. Revenge came and settled near the den without much response from Esti. He stated that he was alright and noted that he hadn't been through anything like Esti's childbirth. Esti looked out of the den and settled her head close to Revenge, feeling pretty at ease around the male, "You know, I'm not really sure if that was as bad a the sickness that struck years ago. It felt like I was sick with that forever. I was sure I was going to die." The woman smiled at the memory, though it wasn't a good one.

Revenge looked at her pup and asked it's name. Esti paused for a moment. She had a name in her head, but she hadn't confirmed it with the oh-so-important baby daddy yet, "I suppose he doesn't have one yet. I had half a mind to name him Cloud or Storm or something because of his coat, but those all sounded stupid, so I'm thinking maybe Ashmedai Imperialis." She made sure to say the proposed name slowly, Az-meh-dye, though the 'Az' was more of an 'Azj' than just an 'Az', she was sure Revenge would get the point. She looked back at the small lump at her side. She wanted to protect it, but she wasn't totally in love with the idea of being a mother. She wouldn't trust anyone else with that task either, though, so she supposed she was stuck with it.

Esti turned her head into Revenge a bit and nuzzled him. Maybe she was feeling lonely, trapped, in this den with her pup. She wasn't free to roam or go wherever, but she was still allowed whatever company she wished, as long as they were in the pack, which basically meant Revenge at the moment. She sighed, "I dunno, I didn't want to have a pup really. You don't have any yet, do you?" "Speech"