
Storm Song (AW)



3 Years
04-07-2015, 01:00 PM" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#0c0909">
Ever time he attempted to stand, he slipped and fell. So after all that effort, he lied there in exhaustion, unaware of the drunken female that was just a few feet from him. Ixionn sighed quietly and lowered his head to the ground. Would he wait until this rain stopped? Maybe he could just sleep here...surely, when he woke up, it'd be sunny and warm. Maybe a little breeze, but it'd dry him off, right? Then he could get a bath. Yeah...that'd be nice. A gentle smile blossomed across his face, when suddenly, the sound of sliding reached his sensitive ears. At first, he ignored it, thinking it was nothing but some larger droplets of rain, or maybe a frightened snake. But he was very wrong. Very incorrect. "Psst...Hey." It was a voice. And pressed against him was a light-colored lady, her facial expression shaking him to the core. She looked dazed. Like she was in another world of her own. But it scared him nevertheless.

Quickly squirming and flailing away from the dame, he picked his head up and perked his ears, his heart thumping quickly in his chest. At least he stopped himself from shrieking like a little pup! Ixionn growled quietly and backed up again, slipping and sliding in the mud.  "Are you...okay?" He asked with unease, trying to act as nice as possible. This was a girl who looked no older than him. She deserved respect, too. But did she have to get on him like that? Was she lost?  " you need help, miss?" He whispered through the pattering rain, his ears, once again, flattening against his head. He felt helpless. If she were hurt, he couldn't help! What did he know about healing or directing!?

"Burn Baby Burn"