

Aria I


06-10-2013, 11:06 AM
Aria Corvi

It has been two years now, maybe more than that since Aria has last seen her brother and father. Many times she thought about them, wondering if they were alive or not. If they were dead then she thought about what it might have been from, was their death fast, slow? Did one of them die and the other went on? What happened? And when it came to them being alive, she thought many things. Was father able to provide Halis with food, or did her brother have to do the hunting? Were they even getting enough food for themselves, especially in the Winter? Did either get wounded severely from other wolves or predators? Did they have a den? Were they even traveling together anymore?

A heavy sighed escaped her jaws, the sandy brown female sinking deeper into the pool of water until only top half of her head was above water. Ears lay back against her head, a tired yet pained expression worn on her face, but one would only be able to tell something was wrong by the look in her eyes.

More memories started to pop up, this time of her mother. Oh how bad Aria felt for her, finding out your husband cheated on you then had the guts to bring that woman's child, to have you raise her pup. Aria understood how she might have felt, but at the same time she did not see how Ethelyn could not just accept the pup for its sake. Poor thing, letting the darkness in her heart spread, blinding her with rage and sickness that ended up taking her life just a year after her brother and father had left.

Eyelids came together, her world going dark. The sun had gone down awhile ago, and even in Winter this place was warm, the springs being a good place to just relax and think. Slowly her head went back, pressing against a rock just behind her, jaws parting and inhaling deeply, held it for a few seconds then finally released.

Siarvon had come back into her life. The male she met as a child, spending her free time running around and causing trouble with. He was probably her only friend back then, having been there through most of her time growing up. He had grown on her, at the time she did not realize how, just knew she enjoyed his company. But when he showed up on the borders that one day, she has had trouble getting him out of her mind. Finally realizing she had a crush on him, and that it was returning to her at a bad time.
