
Shoot fire and a biscuit [PO]



6 Years
Extra large
04-07-2015, 07:47 PM

The voice that made her head snap around also made her stiffen. It wasn't fear that made her tense, but wariness. She'd only heard that voice once but it was one she was unlikely to forget quickly. Last time she'd seen this brute, this supposed uncle, she'd told him she wanted to pretend they weren't related. That was still true. It was just safer that way. That way no one would get hurt.

"Hey," she returned his greeting in a similarly uncertain tone, her eyes studying him for a motive. When his gaze dropped to the young drake hers remained riveted on his face. The bedraggled duckling wasn't taking the presence of a second wolf too well. Unlike Sirius it wore its uncertainty openly and stood tall halfway between the two wolves with its mouth agape and its unkempt feathers ruffling. "Mmhm, there's a bunch of them there." This one had just been too..what? Slow? Stupid? Her attempts to catch him had been halfhearted at best and yet here he was.

Siri wasn't entirely sure how to handle her uncle's presence. She didn't really have an opinion of Kyarst one way or the other, but his sister had made it very clear what she thought. The young Armada could only assume this brute felt the same way and if that were the case she didn't know why he bothered. Unless he wished to drive his sister's point home.

Unsure of what to say next, Sirius lapsed into silence. He'd approached her so it was only fair that he took charge of the conversation.

"Talk" "You" Think