
Takes Two To Tango

Mercy I


5 Years

04-07-2015, 10:37 PM
Her eyes danced as she noted the growth of something against her spine, rump wiggling even more against him as his groan sounded. He cursed her, but it was half-hearted, his lust showing not only through his growing, erm... thing, but in his eyes as well. He tugged at her ear, head snapping back towards him at the pull. She growled, her audit trying to flick out of his grasp. He called her a little devil and demanded that she stop, drawing a heavy laugh from her gut. "Why should I, big boy? I just crave you," she growled at him. The heat that poured off of him cloaked her, making the air raise along her spine. He sighed and groaned at the same time, making her own nether regions tingle with delight. She may be tired, but damn she wanted him again. He met you gaze, and she tossed a wink at him as he let her ear go. Pulling her head back to its normal position, she sat up and turned her attention to his shoulder closest to her, pulling at the skin there as she grit it against her teeth. Her eyes slanted down towards his no-no zone, mischief sparkling in her purple depths. She moved down that way, tiny bites being placed along his flank and belly. He asked if 'he' taught her all of this, and she paused in her decent, chuckling deep in her throat. "Oh no, my love. This all comes... naturally to me." She hummed. The pause only lasted as long as her words did, before her tongue snaked out and caressed his most sensitive area. Looking up at him, she smirked before licking it one more time. Raising herself to her paws, she dashed a few paces away from him, her tail raising up and curling up towards her spine. Wiggling her rump in his direction, she danced a few paces forward. "Ever heard of meals on the run?" she asked before she took off at a loping pace, leaving him behind.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.