
Decisions decisions



8 Years
04-08-2015, 08:03 AM

Max would listen to Kassander speak to him as he paced back and forth in front of the young Alpha. It was easier to to listen while he moved, yet couldnt understand why he had been so calm and clear while he had been talking to Kreft yet he couldnt stand still now. Was it because he was nervous here or was it just because he hadn't truly admitted to himself or to Kass that in a way he had been an ass without trying to be but had spoken with no worry of being in trouble to the loner.

When Kass would finish speeking, Maximous would force himself to stand still and meet Kassander's eyes with his own. "Your right. Ive been an ass without trying to be since Katja left. You nore your sister deserved it but I wasn't exactly wrong about what I told your sister. She did leave, so she either wasnt ready for it or she never truly wanted it." he would pause for a minute hoping Kassander's agrivation hadnt gone higher with his words. "I tried to trust you when your sister left, but based on your family's recent abandonments I couldnt help but wonder if you were going to do the same thing. Max would start to pace again as he had said that. This time Callisto wasnt the main cause, but rather his own anxiety. The man was tired of being in trouble and losing everyone he cared about. "I should have told you she had been taken, but I hadnt because you had just recently been made alpha and I had already tried to track her down. I didn't figure two of us needed to worry about something we couldnt change. When she came back I was just happy she was still alive, I should have at the very least let you know that she had come back but I hadnt because I knew you would want to talk to her ans she barely wanted to speak to me. I was trying to protect her, not undermine you. I considered your mother my sister and you, along with your siblings my nieces and nephews.

Maximous would stop pacing once more to look Kassander in the eye. Once more to gage the other mans thoughts and agrivation. But again was unable to pinpoint anything with the way his brain had been, would continue to be for a while. "Kass I did all of that just to find out the only woman ive ever loved the way I love her hates me. That everything I did was for nothing. Yet the other day when I thought someone wantd to hurt her
all I could think of was to protect her. Well me asking you to move my den outside the boarder isnt for me or for her. Its for everyone in Ebony. As long as I live within firefly lake she wont come near it because she doesn't want to run into me. As Ebony's healer she needs to travel to both ends of our territory and she wont as long as I am at one of those ends. But in doing so im also keeping my promise to her."

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)