
falling away



7 Years
Extra large

04-08-2015, 09:01 AM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2015, 09:01 AM by Lark.)
Lark had never had the misfortune of knowing what it felt like to truly, inexplicably be afraid. The closest he'd come to being afraid was when his father had returned, visibly injured and distressed, but even then he'd felt more angry and dismayed than anything else. Only in that one moment had he felt so confused; it'd felt like nothing had been in control, and that he couldn't do anything to stop his father's pain no matter how hard he tried. That was the only sort of fear he'd experienced.

He certainly didn't feel that way as he watched the rapids. The clear water cascaded without hesitation over the rocks that sprouted to and fro in the rapids, pushing forward with no sign of stopping. He'd been so engrossed in the simple display of nature that he almost didn't notice that he'd wandered quite close to another boy. Though he was visibly older, he was smaller and Lark found himself frowning unconsciously as he eyed him. "I didn't see you either," he replied flippantly as he began to inspect the boy at his side. He smelled strongly of Abaven, though he couldn't place who he was. Hopefully not another family member that had finally decided to show up...

"Who are you?" came his sudden question, markedly brash and a bit forceful in tone. It was more of a demand, phrased as a question, but he would stare curiously with his placid features as he waited for the answer he expected to come quickly.