
Coming of Age

Rune I


5 Years
06-09-2013, 05:47 PM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

One good trek outside of his home territory seemed to lead to another. The slim grey youth, still growing into his tall, lanky frame, moved stealthily along, silently crossing the border to Mount Volkan and heading off away from the familiar. It was long overdue, he had decided, that he begin searching the territories closest to home. He was a year now, just having celebrated a birthday with the coming of winter, and what better way to prove his advancement in age than by doing something no pup was able to do without dire consequences?

He did not know at first where he was going. Only once before had he decided to leave the safety of his mountainous home, and that had been in pursuit of his mother. Advancing in age as she had been, Rune had not been worried about his safety in the least, certain that, with his mother near, the both of them would ensure the other stayed safe. But now he was on his own, directing a course past the delta, past even other territories that he had no name for, and toward some new place that might catch his interest.

It wasn't long before Rune found himself becoming increasingly dwarfed by the foliage that grew around him. At the first the grasses increased in height, hitting mid-leg, then shoulder, then upward to the base of his neck. He had even begun stretching his head upward to peer out across the thicket, frosty blue eyes barely able to see ahead. How do you even walk through this place? he grumbled silently to himself, his brow puckered downward in irritation.

Eventually the height of the grasses began to descend, becoming more manageable, but what should have been visible of the wintry grey skies were soon partially obscured by the twisting, dark branches of a very large network of shrubs, their arms entwined and, in a way, creating a natural tunnel through which the youth traveled. Rune's annoyance gave way to puzzlement, his black paws touching down with slightly more hesitation. This was unfamiliar ground, and there was no one here from who he could take direction or pick up clues from. He needed to be careful until he could determine the level of danger he faced here, as well as what sort of company might happen upon him as well.