
Wake Me Up {Birthing Thread}


04-08-2015, 11:44 AM

There would be no answer to his question as Nalyda once more went into labor. Contractions would rack her body, and soon she would produce another little bundle. Before even asking her what was wrong he could sense it. A heavy feeling would settle in his heart as he looked at his beloved mate, a whine leaving his lips. No... No this couldn’t be! Their child was...?

Kar felt frozen, looking upon his beloved in silence. It was hard to believe that now they were truly to lose a child. A child they hadn’t even had the chance to know. The living pups would squeak and whine as their mother left their side, and Kar’s gaze would follow her out of the den. He felt horrid... It must have been the stress. The stress of the move. Of Mystic being taken. He would blame himself, moving closer to his new son and daughter, casting a glance at his lost son.

Tears were within his eyes, a whine, chocked back, leaving him. “I’m so sorry...” He would whisper. He’d give a lick to each of his little ones in turn. A little boy and girl had survived. After a few minutes Nalyda would returned, and Kar would shift so that the little ones could be brought to her side. The man would lick the top of her head, giving another whine.

“He is with Siri now. She will watch over our little one.” The man would say softly. “I... I should bury him, Nalyda... Before the others see...” His words were low, hurt. He wasn’t sure how else to comfort her, setting his muzzle upon her head.

"Nalyda Speech," "Kar Speech"

Table by:: Keno