
can't pretend



6 Years
04-08-2015, 05:59 PM

She couldn't help but to think that Steel didn't often smile on his own, she was pleased that the expression would easily play there as she spoke to him. Her eyes would almost glint with the amusement and pride she felt at putting it there. Faria lived a mostly care-free life, she went where ever she want and interacted with anyone. She was freer than a bird and she loved it. The only wolves that were important to her were here, she didn't have parents that would be missed. She could imagine his pain though, if she lost Mithras and Caia.. She didn't know what she would do. She'd crossed an ocean for them, they meant more to her than anything.

She'd focus on Steel and his words though, he'd ask why it was they needed to escape the pack they'd come from. It was hardly a pleasant story. "The elders read that their family should be sacrificed to our gods. When they ran from their fate I had to follow them." She'd tell him in a simple shortened version.

He would smile at her own question though, Her own features brightening as they shifted from the conversation. He was obviously never expecting the question she'd offer, she'd nod as he reiterated certain that she would like to travel with him. He was obviously stunned but tentatively seemed to accept her invitation. "I could help you find them!" She'd offer eagerly, "It's been a while since I've had a mission." Having a goal in front of her, a task to complete was exactly the kind of discipline she needed. Maybe they'd catch back up with Mithras and Caia by then. She'd grow a bit more somber, "Sorry to hear about your parents though."
