
Let's Get Down To Business


04-08-2015, 08:54 PM

The first wolves to arrive were two of Bass' children, Shrike and Finch. The boy was an excitable thing, full of energy and a bit of an ego. The girl that was with him was quieter, far quieter than her brother, sticking to his side like glue. "I wouldn't say that it's the best rank ever, young Shrike. However it is certainly a beneficial one, as all ranks in Abaven are." The calico gentleman saw all ranks, from hunter to healer, as important and as needed as any of the others.

A foreign gentleman would be the next to approach, as well as an unfamiliar lass. Allen would give a nod to both of them in turn. The lady would introduce herself as Limno, and Allen would find himself smiling. "I'm sure you'll fit in well here, miss Limno." Though the next wolf to approach, well, she truly threw Allen for a loop.

She was BLUE. Really, really blue. The child didn't speak, but Allen would do his best not to stare. He tipped his head to her, glad that another youth had decided to show. Then, finally, it would be Bass who showed up at the meeting, and Allen would breathe slowly in. Three children, three adults, not counting him. This made things a little more complicated, but, well, not impossible.

"Thank you all for coming so quickly. I am Allen, in case you didn't hear Bass at the meeting, the Gamrean of Abaven. For those of you ranked as Pera, Pulani, or interested in becoming either I'm your go to man. Now, something both ranks will need to have to focus on is swiftness and stealth. Upon the battlefield the pulani will need to slip in to help the injured while attempting to avoid further fighting. If you get caught in a fight as well, or injured, there is more danger in losing not one member but two." The man would take a breath.

"You must keep in mind that everything we do in training is serious. It must be taken to heart, as in battle, or actually sending messages one day, it is something that we will rely on you for. To begin I'm going to start with an exercise. First, I need the pups to go on ahead. Move as quietly as you can, trying to keep yourself out of sight. Make as little noise as possible. After a few minutes I will have Limno, this gentleman, and if Bass doesn't mind giving me a paw Bass follow you. The goal is to reach where the plains border the rapids without having one of the adults catch you." The man would smile some. "The adults on the other paw must also be mindful of their own speed and noise level. If you alert the pup you are tracking, or are too slow, then they could hide and slip past you." The man thought the game was a good start to their skills, and a small introduction.

"After the game ends I'll explain a little more in depth about what makes a pera different from a Paluni. Children, on your marks, get set, go."


Alright, so I'm going to need posts from Shrike, Calypsi, and Finch by 4/13/15.

Then I'll need posts after these three for Bass, Shai, and Limno by 4/17/15.

Pairings are as followed::


"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Tealah