
Shoot fire and a biscuit [PO]



2 Years
04-08-2015, 10:18 PM
Eyes shot to the bird as it inched away. Now, what would Sirius do? She lazily snatched the bird back up, bringing it to herself and holding it betwixt her paws like a jungle cat. It was an amusing sight, but his features wouldn't show it. He rocked onto his haunches, admiring the pair for a moment as the child deliberated on what she intended to do with the little creature. If she'd meant to kill it he imagined she'd have done so already instead of carrying it out here. His assumptions were correct as she mentioned she didn't want to eat it, but she didn't want to let it go either. Well, that made sense. Why would she have bothered to catch it if she didn't want to keep it? He wondered, idly, what had drawn her to the little frail creature, but he wouldn't let his mind linger there for long. His tail batted the earth lazily as he cast his emerald eye upon the girl. “It's not that silly,” he noted genuinely. He'd heard a lot sillier things than what she'd just said. “He's fairly brave, for a duckling. I imagine others might've died just from the shock.” This one, though wary of the wolves, seemed stronger-willed than others might be. “You could keep him, if you wanted. I've seen wolves have all sorts of companions.” He himself had a grackle. “Hell, I've got Bryn and I still can't decide if I want to keep her or eat her..” he jested, thankful the grackle wasn't there to flutter about as he said it. His tail tapped the earth twice more and then stilled, curling around his hips so that the tip could drape over his forepaws. An ear flicked idly at some faraway sound as he mused about whether or not the child might actually be able to keep the little thing alive.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.