
There is no finality in our goodbye



6 Years
04-08-2015, 11:33 PM
He walked at what could be called..a leisure pace, well, at least that could be the excuse. But really, he walked slow enough to keep her at his side that much longer. He walked slow to avoid their inevitable goodbye. He didn't know if he could do it. One night, a single night, and he was caught. Hook, line, and sinker. Slowly they moved along, through the territories he hadn't travelled, the long journey towards her home. He knew he shouldn't take too much time, should keep his family waiting or worrying but he couldn't help it. With a sad sigh he glanced in her direction, wondering what it is that he could say to help...make all this better. To appease both of them.  He didn't know what to say, all he knew was that his chest hurt, and they were getting closer to their inevitable goodbye.

Sucking in a breath to calm his racing heart he smiled softly to himself, sighing. "I will see you again." He promised, breaking the silence that he had let fall between them. "In a few days time, I'll come and find you...I'll plan something I hope you'll enjoy." He said with the gentlest of voices, turning his head to nuzzle her gently as they continued. The scent of pack flooded his nose, and a sad, pitched sound vibrated from his throat before he sighed, for a third time. "I don't want to let you go." He whined softly, eyes closed tightly as he stopped where he stood. Perhaps he could be called a selfish man. He always generally got what he wanted, and most often that was the simpler things in life. A good home for his family, comfy bedding, and all the pretty rocks he could find. But this...he couldn't possibly ask her to stay with him, ask her to leave what family she had. There was no way. "You'll be taken care of, right? I'm not leaving you alone...please don't say you'll be alone." He whispered to open his stormy eyes, staring at her with sadness on his tongue. He couldn't let her go if it meant she'd be alone with her sorrows. Her brothers..they had to look out for her...

"Burn Baby Burn"