
Mirror, Mirror; You Keep Me Well


04-09-2015, 09:28 AM

While Félicien had honestly hoped for more input from his brother once he started to speak aloud it sadly didn't happen. The problem was that the boy held a lack of self confidence. He was old enough to do things that were of use for the pack, but he doubted his ability to do so. He was so afraid of failure. Of messing up anything and everything. He wondered if he was a proper young adult, if he was viewed badly in secret by any of the older members of the pack. He would give a soft sigh, finding the only subject that Sorrel would answer was his question about becoming a drama.

He knew that Sorrel didn't care much for spending time with groups, and sadly being in a position such as that would mean that he would have to teach herbs to others, so that way others had knowledge of the position. Sometimes the young man wished his brother was more outgoing, but Félicien had learned long ago that Sorrel was set in his ways and stubborn as hell about changing them. He would close his eyes, giving a soft chuckle.

"You'll never change, will you?" He asked softly, his voice light. He'd open his eyes, looking at his twin with a smile. "I'm really glad to be honest. You're the one thing I've counted on all this time to stay the same, Sorrel. You know... you really keep me sane."

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen