
C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!

Marina I


7 Years
04-09-2015, 09:54 AM

The south. She liked it here, where it was warmer, where it was closer to where her home in Lydovne had been. Her leg was feeling a bit better, her mind working to tackle the problems at hand. She would shift her gaze in the direction of the soulless forest, her mental map of the place playing in her head. But how her heart would ache at the thought of returning there again. No. It would wound her far too badly to go back there now. She would instead focus her attention along the river. The plants the Ganja coveted had to be found elsewhere, and gods above she would find them.

First and foremost would be caring for the little one. Lyenne could be formed whenever, really. She wanted the pack, truly, but she would make sure Ganja had everything she needed and wanted first. She would not jeopardize the last bit of family that she had. The female would breathe out slowly, the sigh heavy a it passed her lips. Why did life have to be so hard? Why did there have to be so many trials and errors for one to overcome before they could be happy!?

Rainbow would decide to stop, making her way down the riverbank and lowering her head to drink her fill. Her season was upon her, bringing that feeling of loneliness up now more than ever. She thought of Fenris, of Shira. Her heart hurt. They were both gone... and Fenris after he had promised! The female would lift her head, gazing into the water. "Am I that unlovable? Is this coat what drives them away?" She would ask her reflection sadly.

But it had no answer.

Table by:: Nyx

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]