
There is no finality in our goodbye



4 Years
04-09-2015, 11:23 AM
Her stride was never over extended, as they walked the ease of their pace would be a blessing. She wouldn't have to walk quickly or really fear where she was going to step next. Freewing focused on getting them home and having Voltage at her side was enough. She could detect the subtle movements he would make as he maneuvered over and around obstacles. She'd take these cues and use them herself, making it so eventually he didn't even have to tell her when to watch her step.

Leaving him was going to be difficult, but having him for as much time as she did would not bring a complaint from her. They would talk a bit, she liked hearing his voice it helped to keep her thoughts from the sadder aspects of her life. All too soon though the scent of the pack would become so much more apparent. "I will see you again." Her features would turn towards him as her spoke, her ears perking at what he would offer her. She'd nod, sighing as he sighed. "I don't want to let you go." a soft smile played on her features, she'd let herself feel special to know that he wanted to go as much as she wanted to let him. "We'll see each other again soon." she'd offer with hope breaking through the sadness in her voice.

She'd lean into his shoulder, nuzzling into the neck her she could reach. He would make his concern's known, would she be with someone while he couldn't be? "Yes, I have plenty of family here to keep me company." Now it was her turn to do the reassuring, it was good for her too. She couldn't be the victim. Yeah she hurt, but she couldn't let Solo destroy her so easily. "Freewing is with me too." The bird would come to land on her hips as if to emphasize her point and she'd smile softly at his return to her.

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