
A new beginning


06-09-2013, 06:52 PM

Things would be different now. No longer would he be forced to pine after her in secret. No longer would he have to feign happiness over marrying her sister. No longer would he have to lie to himself and everyone else about how he really felt. Maverick could do what he wanted now, could see her whenever he wanted, could bring here here and likewise go to Valhalla at her side. Life had just abruptly changed - for the better, he hoped. As he rested his chin upon her nape he relished in the warm, tingling feeling developing in his very core and working it's way to his extremities - one in particular. The glorious aroma that he'd once known to be hers had changed somewhat, was different and altogether more alluring than he remembered it to be. It drove parts of him mad, parts that had previously remained dormant or only vaguely awakened. She expressed her own disbelief, and that of her pride in taking him as her husband. A smile ghosted on his lips as her laugh filled the air. Oh, did he love that sound.

"Couldn't stand me in the paws of someone else?" He smirked, bringing his head in front of her once more, breaking their embrace so he could look into those beautiful azure eyes of hers. He had the rest of his life - quite literally - to touch her, to caress her.. but now all he wanted was a view of those eyes. She lapped at him affectionately, showering kisses upon his face. He delighted in her touch, enraptured by each kiss she lavished upon him. The ghost of a smile grew larger as she spoke her love for him. Until now he'd only assumed she loved him, but now it was plain as day - as obvious as each little snowflake that fell from the sky. "And I love you." Craning his snout forward, Maverick offered a kiss in her direction - not particularly caring what part of her flesh he reached.

"Would my future wife like a tour of her new home?"
Oh he was simply the finest tour guide in Seracia - in more ways than one - and would be honored to show his newly betrothed the land in which she would soon claim as her own. This would be the land they ruled, the land they would fight for and love and care for with every fiber of their being. Seracia was beautiful on any given day, but the newly fallen snow added a certain whimsical beauty to the place that could not be denied. His tail wavered behind him, dancing back and forth between his hocks.
