

Mercury I


4 Years
04-09-2015, 01:13 PM
It felt really good to sing with Canta, their voices would blend easily and he would bring a smile to her face. He'd return the gesture, reaching over to nuzzle her softly before the first of their arrivals found their way to their side. The woman at his side would receive a greeting from Novel while the boy that accompanied her eagerly said hello and introduced himself. Ara was next. His full attention would fall on her as Canta went to greet her sister and Mercury was allowed to greet his. He really hadn't been around as much as he might have liked. He wandered too much to have been considered a real brother. He wasn't even sure he deserved the enthusiastic greeting.

Still she would make him smile and he couldn't help but draw more near to her as she embraced him. "Ara, I missed you too." He hadn't even realized she had stayed behind here. Still, she looked amazing and vibrant, and he couldn't even describe the glow that seemed to emanate from her. Obviously her life had turned out for the better. "I've been well, though obviously not as well as you." She had a family, and he couldn't deny how good they all looked.

Though as their last participant arrived he would draw more near to Canta, knowing even as she started to speak that she would need all the comfort she could get. He'd barely squeezed the history from her, he knew that it was difficult for her to recite. He still felt terrible for leaving her to endure it all on her own. Eventually she'd get to the part where he found her and he'd nuzzle her again before finding her brilliant emerald gaze and smiling softly back at her. He didn't know what to call their relationship, but he knew he cared for her and only wished to see her smile. Especially after what she'd been through.