
am I more than you bargained for yet

Absinthe 1

04-09-2015, 01:35 PM

I've been dying to tell you anything you wanna hear

Her second season of life, autumn. This involved very little change in the east, save for a change in humidity. However, the redbud nook was losing all of its leaves. Rosy foliage had turned brown as it reached the terra below, and the girl was delighted. The leaves crunched beneath her alabaster toes, and she giggled with each resounding crumple as she walked. Exaggerated strides swung her entire narrow form from left to right, and she looked about to fall down on many occasions. Heavy stomps sent plumes of dead leaves flying away from her violet body, and she was enraptured by the wondrous day this one had so easily become. She'd left the territory of Fiori, right under Bacchus' nose. An adventure had been called for today. The sun was shining, and there was hardly a cloud in the midday sky. Sure, it was warm, but she didn't mind.

There was a rustling in the leaves a couple feet to her left, and she stopped dead, one paw raised dramatically in the air. Delicate cranium would tilt toward the sound, mismatched optics wide. What could that have been? With a complete lack of any grace whatsoever, the babe dropped her extended limb heavily. The rustling drew further away from her. Finally, a culprit became visible. A tiny snout poked out of the leaves, whiskers twitching in distress. A mouse! She knew what to do now. Sort of.

Lavender bodice dropped close to the ground, belly brushing against she leaves. Awkward limbs crept not so silently forward, lilac plum sticking straight up in the air behind her. Bacchus had been teaching her how to hunt, a little. With each step, the mouse fled a short distance further. When it got too close to one of the redbud trees, she broke out into a mad dash towards it. Oversized paws clattered over the ground as she bounded after it. Her last ditch attempt to catch it involved a laughably dramatic pounce, to which only the snapping of a twig was her reward. Frowning, she stuck her nose into the little hollow where the creature must have disappeared. The dim sound of its little claws scrabbling further away from her and its slowly fading scent was all she got. With a small sigh, she shrugged to herself. Oh well, practice makes perfect.

Ivory dipped paws lifted her into the low fork in the trunk of the tree. It was a strange thing to see, these trees. Apparently they were nice to see when they were in bloom. Right now, they didn't look special at all. Just bare branches and a crunchy floor underfoot. She sat carefully between the three branches that had separated early in the life of the tree, letting her gaze wander. It wasn't all that quiet, since the birds didn't need to migrate from the east. Their soft chatter was a welcome ambiance. Her own low hum joined them, tuneless and absentminded. What was she going to do next?

'cause that's just who I am this week


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!